Our team

Pavel Hamet

Founding President and Chief Medical Officer
Dr.  Pavel Hamet held the Canada Research Chair on Predictive Genomics for 14 years. He is Professor of Medicine at the University of Montreal, Adjunct Professor of Experimental Medicine at McGill University, and Visiting Professor at the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He founded and directed the Research Centre of the Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) from 1996 to 2006. He also founded CHUM’s Gene Medicine department, which he directed for 15 years. Dr. Hamet has authored more than 600 scientific publications on diabetes and hypertension and is recognized as an international leader in personalized medicine of cardiometabolic diseases.

Johanne Tremblay

Co-founder, Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer
Johanne Tremblay is Professor of Medicine at the University of Montreal and a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the American Heart Association. She has authored more than 300 scientific publications on diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and personalized medicine. Tremblay has served as president of the Canadian and Quebec hypertension societies and chaired the program committees of the first and second International Congress on Personalized Health Care in Montreal, with the participation of scientists from more than 25 countries.

Martin Godbout

Chief Executive Officer
After obtaining a Ph.D. in Molecular Endocrinology from Laval University in 1984 and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, Martin Godbout was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Société Innovatech Québec in 1993. He later became the Executive Vice President of BioCapital II. From 2000 to 2010, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Genome Canada. In March 2006, the editors of Nature Biotechnology selected Godbout as one of the 10 most influential biotechnology contributors within the past decade, in the category “Biobusiness in the rest of the world.”

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900 Saint-Denis Street, Suite R14.404
Montreal, Quebec, Canada  H2X 0A9

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Polygenic risk score for cardiorenal risk in subjects with type-2 diabetes